Domestic and Commercial Electrician serving, Lisburn, Banbridge, Armagh, Craigavon and Newry

Got some questions?

Find answers to my most frequently asked questions here. If there’s anything I have not covered, or you would like a quote, please give me a call.

How quickly can you do the work?

I understand how important it is for you to get your electricity working and appliances fully functional, especially in an emergency situation. That’s why I’ll do my best to fit you into my diary as quickly as possible. How quickly, will very much depend on the size of the work to be carried out, therefore the fastest way to find out is by giving me a call on  07738 079840.

Can you tell me exactly how much the job will cost over the telephone?

I will do my best to give you an accurate quote over the telephone. However, for some bigger jobs I need to see the existing electrics before I can give an exact quote. What I can do is provide you with a precise written quote before I carry out the work. There will be no hidden surprises.

How far do you travel?

I cover the whole of the Belfast area including North Belfast, East Belfast, South Belfast, West Belfast as well as Lisburn. I also cover the whole Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Area.